2 artists, 2 worlds

Patti Hricinak Sheets and Anatolii Tarasiuk. That was the plan.

Two artists and the story of how our incredible friendship originated and later evolved during the most horrific of times. This was to be a video recording for the world to see via Propheticsgallery.com. I live in NC USA. Anatolii lives in Kyiv Ukraine . Need I say more. Therefore since our online video interview is on hold, let me write an introduction. I will have to stop myself at times as to not take away from the day Anatolii and I tell the story together. A major player in this is Debbie Marino of Prophetics Gallery. Without Debbie, there would be none to tell. It is an account of the electric energy that flows out of ART of prophetic nature.

Anatolii is a man with a beautiful wife, 2 precious sons and another on the way. I am an artist and grandmother 20 years his senior. Our bond is grounded in Jesus Christ, our faith in Almighty God and our art. Our commitment to creativity connects us across the seas. 4 years ago, my Slovic/Russian heritage sparked the passion I have for his art and later his music. I will save more of that for when you meet us both .

Anatolii, a painter/composer/singer shared his songs with me during one of our many conversations. We talked via IM audio or audio calls almost everyday as Russia aligned troops on the border ready to advance. I wanted to get this story out there. A particular song spoke a visual in my artist’s heart. I will post this song link on my FB.

Anatolii and I decided to team up on a project. His music, my painting! This is to be my canvas translation, of a melody from a Ukrainian artist. I rushed to get the piece complete while avoiding being at the mercy of the fear of Russia’s attack to dictate or compromise our timeline. Russia went forward with its attack and the story went on HOLD. In my studio each day I listened to the song . I painted the melody as the music played over and over in Anatolii’s native tongue. I helped him with a few of the punctuations in the English subtitles. His English is far better than my Ukrainian of which is zero!!

The rest is a story that awaits to be told by both of us as interviewed by Debbie. War as a background was never meant to be. The threat of war was there but the hope was it would never come to pass. However, God and His sovereignty will show us how He wants this told.

In the meantime, pray for the people of Ukraine. Pray for the lives of the innocent on both sides of the borders. Pray for mercy and food and diapers and fuel. I know where Anatolii and his family are right now and he is doing much for his people and those around him as he stays committed to keeping his own family safe. Anatolii is being the hands and feet of Christ as he distributes needs. If you are compelled to help with funds, contact me in the comment section of this blog. 100% $$$$ goes from me to him via WU. Literally no middleman. Its hands to mouth.

In closing, I have hope looking forward to the day we can tell a beautiful story of art, friendship, Jesus, faith and ties that bind across 1000s of miles and 7 hours time difference.

The painting title is not yet available.




art, interference and evil